3 R’s

Readin’, ‘ritin,’ and ‘rithmetic…yeah the 3,R’s.  I heard this phrase growing up as we readied ourselves for each school year; guess we should have focused more on the spelling hahaha! Yes, school is cranking up across the land and nerves for kids, parents and teachers are jumping all over the place. There are some that are soooooo excited to be going back, and some that are sooooooo NOT excited, but actually terrified to travel through the middle school, high school and college halls of academia.

The purpose of the time spent in the various halls is to receive an education that will help us take the next steps in life. For some that walk through halls of building that have names attached like Discovery, Magnet or Academy, these names provide or give a feeling of distinction or prestige.  I mean, when we look at the definition of academy we see that we are receiving special training, maybe it’s an education that is accelerated, or more focused on a singular part of your giftedness. What about the disciples?

What was their special training? What were the programs that Jesus walked them through? How many workbooks did he have them complete before they were rendered “ready?” hahaha….you are on to me aren’t you?

Acts 4:13 NLT the members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness 

of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training  in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

I love this scene.  By this time 5000 men (not counting women and children) had said YES we beLIeVE and the boys (religious leaders and teachers of the law) who had ALL of the special training  were not digging it, so they drug them in to question them. Really, the questioning was more of a badgering.  They were trying to “bully” ‘em to stand down from their newfound freedom in Christ. But Peter and John knew that all authority had been stripped away from the enemy: Colossians 2:15 NLT In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his (Jesus) victory over them on the cross

Peter and John were living out their assurance in Christ and the Christ in them. They were living in cheerful courage knowing that the Jesus in them was and is WAY bigger than the circumstances/people standing before them. And the religious leaders couldn’t help but see the free and fearless confidence as they spoke with them. That is living out boldness, my friends. So here is our question. What will people recognize in us? Will people recognize that we, too, know that the enemy has been stripped of their power and that we, too, will beLIeVE out our lives with cheerful confidence? That we will through our assurance in who we are in Christ, love on those placed in our path, even when our love is not receive…will they recognize we are with Jesus and he with us?

love em up!

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