relationships i would bequeath?

Good evening gang! What a beautiful time we had on Saturday night.  Thanks to everyone that came out and filled up the cul-de-sac! Really neat to see everyone be a bit more intentional in getting to know each other beneath the surface of “hey how’s it going?” conversations. It was a blast to see the kids splashing around in the water together, watching people laugh with each other and just feed off the commonality of our desire to be real and authentic with each other.  It’s contagious! Fearful really when we first step into the waters of taking the masks off and allow folks to experience the real us….but SOOOOO refreshing when we travel through those conversations and see that there are a people that will love us right where we are..


Relationships are growing deeper through HIM….take a moment and reflect on the following this week. Think about the relationships in your life. Pretend that you have to bequeath (give away, hand down) your relationships. Not necessarily the person and or persons but how the relationship fills your life. What relationships in your life would you want others to have? Go ahead give yourself permission to write these out. For example:


Last Will and Testament of Relationships


I, ___(your name here)______________ declares that this is my last will and testament of relationships.


Article 1

to my children I bequeath the marriage that my spouseand I have lived out before their eyes, hearts, souls and minds

(does this one scare ya parents or does it excite you? if scares what or how will you begin to change the landscape of your marriage to one you desire your kiddos to experience?)

Article 2to my friends  and colleagues, I give the following relationships because they have fulfilled and helped me live out my uniqueness and i was able to do the same with them

(who are these people in your life? write their names out and let them know)

if you don’t have this in your life, are you willing to take the mask off and allow the real you be loved and love back those who will take their masks off?

Then there would be the remainder of the legal jargon at the bottom with signatures, dates and witnesses.

Go ahead gang, take the next step into the water of growing relationships that are through the ONE!


love em up

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