Actively participate

That’s what you guys were about last night!(Sunday)  Super WOW! Let’s bring the rest of the family in that was off in other corners of the county beLIeVING out their passion, having ‘church’ wherever they were. One helping an aunt that has found herself in a place she never realized she would be. Another flying with another sister who have realized and beLIeVE they too can be mama birds. You guys are really are amazing. 

last night we talked about Koinonia…no it’s not the latest organic popcorn or a suped up casserole. It’s fellowship, it’s community, its people actively participating in relationships. Taking the time to know one another through Christ. The stuff we don’t mind people know and then the stuff we really don’t want anyone to know about us, yet speak it out thus releasing ourselves and others from our self made prisons. We hunkered down in Acts 2 in particular the verses 42-47 where we see our first century brothers actively participating in how they teach and learn the apostle’s teaching (loving others as self). We see that they were so devoted to beLIeVING Christ that possessions were sold and shared. We see a people who during their week was in tune to the going on’s of each other lives. Yes they were in each others business. hahaha. Why? well because we see that praying with and for one another helps bring wholeness, healing. And we see a people doing this in homes where love feasts (pot luck dinner, with Lords supper) were taking place as often as they met. 

So last night we said let’s do this. The davis home was the place where families huddled up together to break bread, to share the cup, to share a meal, to share stories of how and what the bread and cup mean in their lives. One man in particular was bold enough to state “you know i have been a christian for a long time and have taken the bread and the cup for years, yet as you ask what these mean to me and can i explain their significance to someone i am unable”……He had to know he was in a safe place to speak this out, there was nothing but grace, teaching, embracing and one or two me too’s in the group after he shared.  Through his sharing a blind spot he is now able to see (was blind but now i see)….his participating in the koinonia Christ provides took on a deeper meaning for him and others last night in what actively participating in others lives feels like.

You see i believe most do not feel their life is worth others actively pursuing, thus when we don’t believe we are worth the interaction, we neglect to pursue others and we resist being with others. We isolate, with the very one that we really don’t dig (ourself) Yet Christ beLIeVES differently and so do we. think of the relationships in your life where people are asking about you and your family and you are asking about theirs? Who are they?

Where do you meet with them? I bet for most the answer is that you are meeting in homes, coffee shops, ball fields, gyms, dance halls, grocery stores, recovery groups, living rooms, pool sides, classrooms, eno’s. Welcome to 1st century church where the nectar of koinonia is found through our unity in Christ. You are loved and we beLIeVE in ya, have a great week. 

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