Falling Grace

ā€œAmazing Grace, how sweet the sound.
Amazing Love, now flowing down.
With Hands and Feet, that were nailed to the tree.
As grace flows down and covers me.ā€ (Christy Nockels)

I LOVE SNOW! Yes, I am a teacher at heart, and even though I have not taught in almost 20 years, I get so excited to check the radar and watch for the chance that schools are closed. When I was awakened, not once, but twice by the school system letting me know that my boy/man sleeping upstairs would have a snow day, my heart wasnā€™t annoyed, it was elated!

Something I love more about the snow are the lessons that Jesus teaches me through it. For many years, I was addicted to shame. I knew of grace for the sake of knowledge, but felt like there was a road block leading to grace that would penetrate my heart and transform me from the inside out. As I began to heal from my shame addiction, I realized that I could have all the knowledge in the world about what grace is, but I had to begin to know WHO grace is. Graceā€™s Name is Jesus.

As I look outside my full length window into my backyard, and watch grace fall down in the form of snow, it always makes me think of Jesus. If I were to walk outside right now, every part of me would have snow falling on it. The ground is completely covered. No dirt is showing, grass is covered, driveway unrecognizableā€¦heck, even the dog poop is concealed! Thatā€™s WHO grace is and what grace does. It covers, makes new, washes white, and makes who I was unrecognizable because He has made me a new creation.

Grace is not intrusive or forceful. The snow falling this morning has no sound to it. Just like grace, snow falls quiet and serene almost like you wouldnā€™t know it was there unless you saw it and felt it. Jesus will never force you to believe that His grace covers you or that His death and resurrection is enough to secure your standing with Him.

I see grace everywhere. Itā€™s Godā€™s reminder to me that He is ever present, He is for me, and He is cheering me on in whatever season I am in. I see grace in the laughter of children, cardinalā€™s red with the blood of Jesus, music that sings in my heart every day, my changed life and heart, leaves that magically turn from green to fiery red and blazing yellow, a marriage that has not just survived but is thriving, forgiveness in action, sweet heart connection with people, the metamorphosis I see in lives changed by Jesus, the process of a baby growing in a momma, restoration in relationship, and hearts singing their guts out in worship. I also see grace embodied in the simple, often overlooked things like a crock pot full of hot soup, little things that make the heart smile, my big comfy gray couch, candles flickering, Smart Wool socks warm, and the hum of a quiet and warm house.

Grace is flowing down. Itā€™s flowing down on you. Just as the snowflakes are too many to count and each flake has its own unique shape and size, Jesusā€™ grace for you is unique, too many to count, and all encompassing. There is no ā€œpoopā€ on you that is not covered. To Jesus, you are unrecognizable as who you were. In His grace, you stand spotless, blameless, shameless, and pure like the snow that is falling outside.

So head outside, put your face to the sky and let His grace fall down on you!

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