Holy Week Thursday ‘table is set’

The table is literally set. Jesus sends a couple of the boys to secure an upper room in the city. He lets them know that the room would be ready for them to participate and celebrate the Passover meal together.

 Most reading this email, blog or post will recall or have heard for years that this will be the night that Jesus will wash the feet of the disciples. You will know that the plans by Judas Iscariot will be played out after the supper, the plans that will set in motion a new way, new life, a new covenant. Its even odd to see Judas’ name typed out to see that the last part of his name literally spells riot…yea take a look IscaRIOT.

 This is a word that actually we hear come out of the layers of religious leaders mouths in Matthew 26. Jesus is reminding the disciples that the Passover celebration was in two days and that He (Son of Man) would be handed over to be crucified. At the same time Jesus is coaching up the boys, the religious leaders are plotting on how to kill Jesus, yet they (the religious leaders) even state we cannot do this during the Passover celebration or the people may riot (Matthew 26:3-5 NLT)

 Have you ever been in a riot? The closest thing I’ve been to being involved in a riot was back 1984. I played junior college baseball for Cleveland State Community college in Cleveland TN and one spring afternoon found the benches of our team and the Cumberland University bulldogs clearing and going at it. Intense yes, riot? no. I mean have you seen footage of some of the riots across the globe? Those are violent and out of control and all in the name of religion? This was no different. Chaos was coming and coming fast. Judas dips the bread, Jesus tells him to scurry on and do what he must do and…….

 riot actually means: uproar, persons wailing, a clamorous and excited multitude, a breach of public order….yep that will sum up the atmosphere in a few hours but first.

 Jesus starts to usher in a new covenant folks! A covenant, a commitment that is relationship based. A relationship that will allow us to stand on His righteousness and we see a Savior eager to start

 Luk 22:15      Jesus said, “I have been very eager to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering begins.

 the table is set…..

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