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a week later……
Good grief where did the days fly off to?……what has just happened?……..
7 days ago, you picked up a crunched palm (victory) branch. Crunched that
day when you first saw the donkey Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem, the
promised Messiah. The initial crunching was your spirit, as you had other
visions, other expectations of what and how the promised Savior would
enter into HIS glory. The glory of Christ that is ushering the NEW
promise, the NEW covenant…the NEW agreement that would and is beneficial
for all who believe. But on that day-just 7 days ago-you weren’t quite
sure. Most of your buddies did not sway on that day. As a matter of fact
they grew in their zest as Jesus trod by along with the men and women who
have been following HIM for 3 years. As the week progressed and you took
in the various scenes where Jesus would teach and have some of the most
incredible answers to questions that were meant to trip HIM up, it was if
you HE knew their heart before they spoke. He knew the Word and you were
hearing references of HIM being called the living Word, the bread of life,
and living water.
As tensions started building and the crowd’s zeal for the Savior started
to turn when the crowds noticed the religious leaders of the day were not
convinced. Their mood, in fact, was quite the opposite, as they operated
in what seemed to be fear-laced, totally insecure as they (religious
leaders) would incite the crowds to furious levels. Some of your buddies
who, 7 days ago, were laying down palm (victory) branches were second
guessing themselves, others quite furious and were joining others in
wanting this so-called messiah’s neck. You continue to take the events in
as Thursday rolls in and out with rumors of this new mandate (maundy) when
Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with his disciples. It was quite
intriguing to hear that He desired, actually commanded that “we are to
love one another”…actually that we are to “love one another as He has
loved them/us)”……that’s it? No strategy on how to takeover the positions?
No distributing power out to ones who have been following thus creating a
new hierarchy here on earth? no?…..we are receiving who? when? a
helper?……..what in the world is happening?
You recall the first part of the weekend (Friday, Saturday) when the
crowds reached record levels of euphoria as Jesus was bounced around
through the made up court system at the time in order to have a verdict of
guilty placed on HIM….guilty of what? Only to see HIM (Jesus) standing
side by side with a murderer…and the crowd releases the murderer and the
echos of CRUCIFY still echo in your head….yet the only thing that will
drown the echos of crucify, the only thing that is replacing the visual of
HIM standing battered on the steps awaiting our verdict is knowing that IT
Yes, you can see the Temple curtain still on the ground as it is ripped in
two, people are scurrying about to pull in…the town is abuzz as people are
trying to “figure” out where and how Jesus escaped the tomb. YOU know how,
you beLIeVE ….HE is the Son of God. He has conquered death so we would not
taste it…He has provided himself through the Holy Spirit, as you hear of
the disciples NEW found confidence, this NEW WAY of beLIeVING is
visible…..the palm (VICTORY) branch you wave high with a reNEWed Spirit
knowing that this is just the beginning. Making the statement that you
have decided to follow Jesus and there is ‘no turning back, no turning
It’s Monday, gang, and the stone is still rolled away and has been for
over 2000 years. This week we will begin a new series that will take us
through the letter of Hebrews. Its an incredible journey as we will learn
why God, through Jesus, fulFILLED the old and ushered in the NEW…look
forward to seeing everyone there this Saturday at Siegel High. This is a
cool time to ask folks to join as Easter is somewhat like a benchmark for
some folks who have been disengaged to reignite themselves into joining a
group. Keep on lovin em in the barn.
love em up!
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