Mornin Juice (encourage)

Have you ever wondered what God’s voice sounds like? Does his voice change depending on the situation or pattern of life you are soaring through? Is his voice boisterous and booming? I mean heck, if we were on the bank of the river watching John the Baptizer immerse Jesus and upon his coming up out of the water hear. This is my son with whom i am well pleased! What is the voice you use when reading? hahaha Isn’t this fun. or or or let’s go back a bit further and the conversations God had with Moses and the up-teen times He (God) would send Moses back to pharaoh to state “let my people go”…What voice do you use with God when Moses just keeps on whining about not being equipped to lead this rabble bunch of brick makers?

It’s not a far jump for us to reflect our own biases and tendencies in some of the situations we see God leading. Yet if God through blowing words through the writers of the beLIeVING book (bible) is asking for us  to think of ways to encourage one another

Heb 10:25 NLT 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

by the way meeting in homes, coffee shops, ball game bleachers, wherever you are there he is too…counts…wait till you read the next one.

1Th 5:9-11 CSB 9 For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.

Jimney crickets are we seeing this gang. No matter whether we are asleep or awake, we may live together with him…therefore do what?…..encourage which is to console, to exhort, give support, blow confidence in each other, WOW WOW WOW…that’s God’s character for us.

sure some of the conversations and reading throughout the beLIeVING book may see “tough” but what is the motive of our abba daddy?

yes to encourage, to push along, to grow, to flow the love of HIM wherever we go!

Winter months can be tough gang, if this has found you in a time of needing encouragement, let us know and we will be honored to gather around a table and think of ways to encourage

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